The Energy RED
Let's talk about the importance of wearing red. That's right, the color red in clothes, accessories, or objects at home.
Unlike the energy of the stars, which is specific, this is an energy that we should have in our aura, our spiritual body that produces this energy.
Our aura needs red and all other colors to be harmonious. But the color red is the main thing for us to have prosperity, to move our aura, our work, and even break the evil eye.
It has this function. When we feel tired, drained, and without energy, we know that we are charged and need to do a spiritual cleansing, go through the wheels of the Aquantarium, take baths, light protective candles for our saint, etc.
The aura may lack this red energy that needs to be replaced. This replacement can be done at Aquantarium NY FREE GROUP AURA CLEANSE and with practical courses. But sometimes, we need a little extra help; use red when you feel bad, recharge energy, or go to work to help the day get more done.