Aura Wellness Institute
Group Aura Cleanse
Aura Wellness Institute is a groundbreaking non-profit pioneering therapy through the transformative power of mantras. Experience a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern healing, fostering mental and physical well-being, emotional resilience, and knowledge, an essential tool to live a prosperous life. Join us to discover the profound benefits of mantra therapy and courses that unlock the potential for inner peace and personal growth.
Benefits of Aura Cleanse Therapy and Knowledge
One of our primary goals is to create awareness about the incredible benefits of Aura Cleanse Therapy; we offer FREE weekly sessions that will improve your life in health(mental & physical), love, business, and more—also individual therapy with certified therapists at an affordable price.
Harnessing the Power of Donations and Events
We strongly believe in the power of donations and events to positively impact our community. By organizing and participating in events that raise awareness and funds for deserving causes, we aim to support and uplift those in need and create a positive energy for our lives.
Create Your Energy
For it is in Giving that We Receive”. - St. Francis of Assisi